2025년 봄 문화강좌 (오타와 / 몬트리올 / 토론토 / 온라인)
주캐나다한국문화원에서 2025년 봄학기 (3월 - 5월) 문화강좌를 시작합니다. 이번 학기 문화강좌는 오타와, 몬트리올, 토론토, 그리고 온라인에서 진행됩니다.
모든 강좌는 개별 신청이 필요하므로, 강좌 정보를 자세히 읽고 신청해주시기 바랍니다.
문화원 (오타와)
1. 단소
The danso is a Korean notched, end-blown vertical bamboo recorder used in Korean folk music.
시간: 19:00-20:15 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Wednesday, March 12 - May 14 (10 sessions)
장소: 문화원 (101-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: 초급
등록비: 무료
Danso Reference Video: https://youtu.be/1Bt7EUpFqPQ?si=OKWqHAy5EjdSNZg-
2. 해금 (Beginner Level 2)
The haegeum is a traditional Korean string instrument, resembling a vertical fiddle with two strings.
시간: 17:40 - 18:55 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Wednesday, March 12 – May 14 (10 sessions)
장소: 문화원 (101-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: Beginner Level 2
등록비: $100 보증금 (현금)
Before registering for the Haegeum Beginner Level 2 class, please ensure you are familiar with the following:
●How to make sound on the haegeum
●The Hwang Position and Joong Position
Haegeum Reference Video: https://youtu.be/HSMOqydq0HQ?si=ym9KNjoWnp1jRX58
3. 모던 민화
Modern Minhwa refers to contemporary interpretations of traditional Korean folk paintings, known as 'Minhwa,' where artists take the motifs and aesthetic style of the historic art form and reinterpret them using modern techniques and perspectives. It often incorporates new themes and ideas while maintaining the core elements of the original style. Essentially, it's a way of bringing the spirit of traditional Korean folk art into contemporary art practices.
시간: 17:30 - 19:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Tuesday, March 18 - May 20, 2025 (10 sessions)
장소: KCC (1410-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: Open to all experience levels.
등록비: Free
4. 한지 공예
Hanji is a type of traditional paper that comes from the inner bark of the mulberry tree. Craft everyday item made from hanji. Join us for an immersive hands-on experience in the art of Korean Hanji mulberry paper crafts!
시간: 18:00 - 20:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Wednesda, March 19 – May 21 (10 sessions)
장소: KCC (1410-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: Open to all experience levels.
등록비: Free
5. 케이팝 보컬
The K-Pop vocal class teaches authentic K-Pop vocal techniques, improves Korean pronunciation through songs, and focuses on collaboration and group performance.
시간: 17:00 - 18:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Tuesday, March 11 – May 20 (10 sessions)
장소: KCC (101-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: All levels welcome
등록비: Free
6. 케이팝 댄스 초급
시간: 18:30 - 20:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Tuesday, March 11 – May 20 (10 sessions)
장소: KCC (101-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: Free
7. 케이팝 댄스 중급
시간: 18:30 - 20:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Thursday, March 13 – May 15 (10 sessions)
장소: KCC (101-150 Elgin St, Ottawa)
레벨: Intermediate (previous experience recommended)
등록비: Free
8. 장구춤
Korean Traditional Drum Dance incorporates traditional dance with Janggu, an hourglass-shaped drum wrapped around the shoulders.
시간: 15:00 - 16:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Sunday, March 16 – May 25 (10 sessions)
장소: Ballet Divertimento (1435 Rue Drummond, Montréal, QC H3G 1W4)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: $100 Cash deposit may be required for instrument rental
Korean Traditional Drum Dance Reference Video: https://youtu.be/UvEnvZO3QNs?si=wo1bvBqhK0ikH9y0
9. 한국무용
Korean traditional dance, with roots tracing back over five thousand years, now ranges from folk dance to newly created and adopted contemporary dance styles.
In this new course, you will have the opportunity to learn a modernized form of Korean dance, combining the basic steps, breathing techniques, and movements of traditional Korean dance with contemporary elements. Build a strong foundation in Korean dance while creating your own unique dance style.
시간: 13:00 - 14:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Sunday, March 16 – May 25 (10 sessions)
장소: Espaces des Arts (9 Rue Sainte-Catherine E, Montréal, QC H2X 1K3)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: Free
Course Reference Video: https://youtu.be/BhumNGdl00k?si=s43Jt0xk3CKsbmA_
10. 판소리 & 민요
Pansori is a traditional Korean genre of musical storytelling performed by a vocalist and a drummer. This course will include collaborative activities and group performances to enhance the storytelling experience.
시간: 18:00 - 19:30 (ET)
기간: Every Wednesday, March 12 – May 28 (10 sessions)
장소: True and Trust Entertainment (5584 Yonge Street, North York, ON M2N 5S2)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: Free
Pansori & Minyo Reference Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/YHaSdU7WPeQ?feature=share
11. 장구
The Janggu is the most representative drum in traditional Korean music. Janggu has an hourglass shape, with a narrow middle and wider ends, and is played with two drumsticks—one thick and one thin—on both sides of the drum. It produces a variety of sounds depending on which side is struck, making it versatile in creating different rhythms and tones.
시간: 13:00 - 14:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Sunday, March 16 – June 1 (10 sessions)
장소: TBD
레벨: Beginner
등록비: $100 deposit in cash may be required for instrument rental
Janggu Reference Video: https://youtu.be/iSPJ0YhGtag?si=UoBjhVTZnjBYq-rl
12. 한국무용
Korean traditional dance, with roots tracing back over five thousand years, now ranges from folk dance to newly created and adopted contemporary dance styles.
In this new course, you will have the opportunity to learn a modernized form of Korean dance, combining the basic steps, breathing techniques, and movements of traditional Korean dance with contemporary elements. Build a strong foundation in Korean dance while creating your own unique dance style.
시간: 10:30-12:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Saturday, March 15 - May 24 (10 sessions)
장소: Online (Zoom)
등록비: 무료
레벨: Beginner
Course Reference Video: https://youtu.be/BhumNGdl00k?si=s43Jt0xk3CKsbmA_
13. 국악 101
Korean Music 101 explores the types of Korean traditional music, its related history, and sociocultural context, and discusses how elements of traditional music are represented in K-pop and Korean cultural content. While there will be time to learn music and dance, such as pansori, folk songs, drumming patterns, etc., the focus will primarily be on explanations and audiovisual materials.
시간: 17:30-19:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Thursday, March 13 - May 29 (10 sessions)
장소: Online (Zoom)
등록비: Free
Korean Music 101 Reference Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/OnTFPW5CX0o?feature=share
14. 태권도(입문반)
Taekwondo is a martial art that originated in Korea over 2,000 years ago. This course will introduce basic Taekwondo techniques and exercises to those who are new to Taekwondo.
시간: 13:00 - 14:00 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Sunday, March 16 - May 25 (10 sessions)
장소: Online (Zoom)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: Free
*Required minimum age: 7
15. 케이팝 댄스 초급
시간: 17:00 - 18:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Monday, March 10 - May 12 (10 sessions)
장소: Online (Zoom)
레벨: Beginner
등록비: Free
16. 케이팝 댄스 중급
시간: 17:00 - 18:30 (ET)
강좌 기간: Every Tuesday, March 11 - May 13 (10 sessions)
장소: Online (Zoom)
레벨: Intermediate (previous experience recommended)
등록비: Free
1. A separate application is required for each course.
2. Submitting an application does not automatically register you for the course.
3. Each applicant must use a unique email address. Please avoid applying for multiple individuals using a single email.
4. Photos and videos taken during the course may be used in KCC's promotional materials.
5. Priority will be given to new applicants, except for the Haegeum Beginner Level 2 course.
6. K-Academy programs have limited spaces and are free-of-charge. As missing a session takes away an opportunity from someone else, we take attendance seriously. Therefore, anyone who fails to attend classes without a valid reason will be penalized in future registrations for all KCC programs.
7. Confirmation emails with class details are scheduled to be sent on March 5.
Application Form:
Application period: February 18 (10AM ET) - March 2 (11:59PM ET), 2025
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