

  • 알림마당
  • 공지사항

2022 명예기자단 모집 공고

2022.01.28. | 401 Hit

주캐나다 대한민국대사관과 주캐나다 한국문화원은 아래와 같이 현지 명예기자단을 모집하고자 합니다.

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea and the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) is recruiting Honorary Reporters who are passionate content creators with great love and knowledge of Korea and Korean culture!


As an Honorary Reporter, you will be invited to attend various events (both online and offline) and initiatives hosted by the Korean Embassy and the KCC, write about the events and your experiences of them and share them with fellow Canadians.


In addition, you are free to create your online content related to any topic of Korea you are interested in, be it foods, culture, K-dramas, beauty, etc! Share them via social media. The KCC will also post your content on its homepage to share with a broader audience.


With your talents, you will inform Canadians of various Korean cultural activities, encourage their future participation, and ultimately invite others to become a part of the movement to build positive Korea-Canada relations.


If you are passionate about Korea and excited to share your enthusiasm with others, we would love to hear from you!

Please find below detailed information regarding our recruitment process:


Number of Honorary Reporters recruiting


• Number to be determined


• The KCC will ensure diversity, and the selection will not be based on gender, age, religion, ethnicity, etc.





• Willing to attend online and offline (only applicable to Ottawa residents) Korean Embassy and Korean Cultural Centre events


• Active social media presence is preferred


• Apt at digital communications and creative-writing


• Proficiency in writing, social media management, photography and/or video editing


• Diverse interests in Korean culture, Korean society, and Korea-Canada relations





• Attend and write about the Korean Embassy and the KCC activities assigned by the Honorary Reporter Coordinator. Reports are to be told in an easy-to-read, attractive, storytelling format 

• Discover and write about various Korea-related stories in Canada. E.g., Korea-related stories in local newspapers, interesting stories of Korean immigrants, interesting Canadians with deep ties to Korea, etc. that will interest Canadian audiences 

• Create personal media contents (blog, photo journal, videos, Tik Tok, Reels, etc.) about Korea-related topics 

• All contents are to be posted either in English or French



Activity Period


• From Mar 2022 to November 2022





• Official letter of appointment


• Performance rewards for active Honorary Reporters (in the form of Honorarium)


• Invitation to events and receptions hosted by the Korean Embassy and the Korean Cultural Centre





• Application Form: See File Attachment below


• Deadline: Friday, 18th Feb 2022


• Please submit the completed application to canada@korea.kr by Friday, 18th Feb 2022.


• Selected individuals will be notified individually


• Selected individuals will be invited to a virtual appointment ceremony (date to be confirmed)





• canada@korea.kr


• (613) 233-8008

